Balkan Fungus
3rd Balkan Conference on Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology
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10-12 October 2024 - Hotel Mona Plaza, Belgrade, Serbia
ESCMID Attendance Grant Opportunity
Thanks to ESCMID scientific support, attendees can apply for a grant to secure a free registration for the BALKAN FUNGUS 2024 conference.
Only ESCMID Members with valid Full, Young Scientist, or LMIC Membership are eligible to apply for Attendance Grant.
Follow these steps to apply for the Attendance Grant:
- Click here: ESCMID: Attendance grant application
- Log in: with ESCMID credentials (the same for your ESCMID membership)
- Choose: 3rd Balkan Conference on Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology
- Upload: your PDF-Document (Surname.pdf max 4MB) with a short application letter, CV, and a list of publications
3rd Balkan Conference on Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology supported and endorsed by: