Balkan Fungus
3rd Balkan Conference on Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology
Save the date
10-12 October 2024 - Belgrade, Serbia
Call for Abstracts
Delegates are invited to participate actively in the scientific program by submitting their abstracts for oral or poster presentations.
Deadline for abstract submission extended to 14. September 2024.
Method of submission
Abstracts should be submitted using this website.
Abstracts submitted by fax or post will not be accepted.
Abstract Guidelines
- Follow the online instructions
- Select abstract category
- Abstracts must be written in English
- Accepted format: Word document format, 10 point Arial font, 500 word count limit
- Use a concise title
- List affiliations of author(s) as briefly as possible, with city, and country
- Use standard and well-accepted abbreviations
- When using references, use standard and well-accepted formats
- Abstract content should be single-spaced, typed in lower case and contain:
- Purpose of the study
- Summarized description of the project
- Results and conclusions